here´s the man in the van´s 38 year old left foot. A bloody mess. Although this dog here is a mess too. Mack called him A little too long and a littl too short. and how. poor poor animal.
I sort of misplaced the end of this tale. I´ll find it soon and post it. funny thing is the neclace that I`m wearing in this video was also made by Christina...maybe as a replacement of the neclace that I lost. Another note is that this all took place in the original Poncho, the 1982 Datsun 200sx, that took me many places and was the car I wanted to drive to Mexico in the first it all came full circle. This disaster almost killed that car and it could be said that it was the beginning of the end for the brake system and such since...well, watch the video.
This is a little spot for the man in the van. the palm tree leaf shade structure is called a Palapa. That is where I live. It is on the west side of Todos Santos. Near a nicer internet cafe and papeleria. and near a shrimp taco place.
Lucha libre pictures to come!