This was a very tame Canadian Wolf. Hardly even moved.
I learned a lot about the iron ore mines and the hydro electric plants up here.

II seem to be having computer problems. Keyboard___is___broken. must use on-screen keyboard.
more pics
will box up and send this skidoo to the chicken farmer so he can post on craigslist "Vintage snowmobile. Needs work. Best Offer"
wait, the keyboard is working now. odd. must clean it. or might be the different frequency of electricity that is messing with it. I am one hour earlier than east coast folks. And they speak English now which is a relief because I'm out of money and need work.
I went for a long hike around the mountains to find that open country I had heard about.

I should mention the van is running good. time for a shower at city hall. I can feel my brain being cleaned by the wilderness.