Sunday, October 30, 2011

Old School

Dravid from Franconia walked 7 miles to pick potatoes for $1 a day back in 1930 and 81 years later he's walking across Greenland Avenue when there is no electricity, dodging cars to get his paper (yes, he walks to get his paper probably because he knows home delivery is an abomination). This is part of my project to record authentic New England Accents. He's 87 years old. He said his family came from Poland and can speak Polish and German so maybe his accent wouldn't be what I wanted but I think it is. You be the judge.
When I talk about working for old people this is the person I'm talking about. Worked his whole life, fought in WWII, starved in the depression, never conned no one, never made much money, etc, will die with nothing. Now I open this fucking Inc. Magazine AND I'LL START SCREAMING NOW BECAUSE THE TOP ARTICLE IS "HOW TO ACE SOCIAL MEDIA...AND WHY LINDAY LOHAN CAN HELP, FOR A PRICE." AND THIS SKINNY JUNKIE CUNT CHARGES $2,353 TO TWEET VAPID MANUFACTURED COMMENTS TO HER 2.5 MILLION FOLLOWERS. AND COMPANIES PAY HER! And I feel that Inc Magazine is an accomplice in some kind of horrible decay of America by narcissistic-ally promoting a narcissistic junkie promoter...and the entire magazine "The magazine for growing companies" is really an outlet of advertising of advertisers who believe they can mask their own vapidity with beautiful photography and graphs when THE MAIN ARTICLE IS ABOUT A CEO OF A COMPANY CALLED "INFOSURV' A MARKET RESEARCH COMPANY THAT BASICALLY ANNOYS PEOPLE WITH QUESTIONS LIKE "WAS YOUR HAMBURGER GOOD?" This entire magazine has absolutely no substance and by association America has no substance..."How I started a million dollar business with yard sale furniture" translates to "How I exploited the absence of authentic culture in Los Angeles." I plan a future article where I analyze every article in this magazine but it's a little hard to do living in my van and shoveling snow off my forehead in the morning.
Oh, I want to get down on my knees and apologize to Dravid for turning his potato paradise into a playground for Junkie Lohan and Ho-bag Hilton. WE FUCKED UP> WE ARE WRONG>PLEASE LET ME RAKE YOUR LAWN FOR FREE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!

Pulling Teeth

Greyhound Lines, Inc.
P.O. Box 660362
Dallas, TX 75266-0362
Attn: Refund Dept.

Dear Greyhound Lines Customer Service,

I recently traveled from Harrisburg, PA to Portsmouth, NH. At the bus terminal in Harrisburg I requested a ticket to “Portsmouth, New Hampshire via Boston, Mass.” and since the bus was leaving at that very second I immediately jumped on the bus without double-checking my ticket once it was issued. It was only in my layover in New York that I noticed the clerk had sold me a ticket to Boston, Mass. The clerk must have only heard the last part of my statement. Again, the bus was leaving post haste so I immediately jumped on that bus.

I had priced the ticket from Harrisburg to Portsmouth for $117 but the ticket to Boston cost $115. Once in Boston I needed a ticket to Portsmouth and was told I could not change my ticket by merely paying the extra $2. No, I had to pay $21.50 to complete my travel plans.

“But I asked for a ticket to Portsmouth,” I said.
“I can’t help you,” said the clerk.

So I purchased the new ticket.

As you can see by the ticket receipts I did not intentionally split my trip up in Boston as I was on the next available bus for Portsmouth. Obviously, a miscommunication that took place in Harrisburg cost me an extra $19.50 and I am writing to request a refund of this amount.

I sincerely hope you see my position in this incident and refund me the difference in the purchase price of the tickets. My travel plans often include Greyhound I would like to retain my trust that I will not be taken advantage of when I find myself in a harried disposition due to hectic travel situations and environments. It was an honest mistake and I will attempt to speak more clearly in the future to avoid further confusion and expense.

Kind regards,

Oggy Bleacher
134 Lincoln Ave
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Creative Commons License
Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.