Friday, June 26, 2015

Confederacy of Dunces

Raise your hand if you're an idiot...

Forrest: (voice-over) Now, when I was a baby, Momma named me after the great Civil War hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest... She said we was related to him in some way. And, what he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. And anyway, that's how I got my name. Forrest Gump. Momma said that the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just don't make no sense. 

 The thing about the Confederate Flag is that it sets up a paradox, where someone flying it says they believe in State Sovereignty....but they enjoy the Federal Protection to fly the flag without having their house burned down.

See, I'm in favor of total and complete sovereignty. If you want to dress up in a white dress and parade around then that should be allowed, but another person with different views should be able to unload a Bushmaster clip into your crowd. I see it as only fair, because the flag represents this kind of "we're so sovereign that we don't need the Union" attitude. And I respect that. In fact, I respect it so much that I think the Union should ignore any retaliation against people who feel they are above the need for Union protection.

It's a hypocritical debate to suggest one is sovereign, yet, demand protection from the governing body that one has rebelled against. I realize this is far too philosophic for the Whataburger, Chick-Fil-A-fat-fuck-in-a-white-dress crowd, but I'm not going to take the time to explain it.

I would prefer that the matter be settled by bullets and bombs and nooses rather than the ineffective court of public opinion. If you fly the flag of racist idiots who seceded from the Union then you have declared your sovereignty and renounce the protection and benefits of the union. I respect that. And I welcome it because you have renounced any claims to protection and the Union will merely watch your house burn down, since to interfere would be an infringement of your sovereignty....and that would be too horrible to they won't interfere. That works for me. You fly the confederate flag? Then it's open season on you.

4 of 9 Supreme Court Judges Have Hearts Made of Coal

"Sgt. Ijpe Dekoe and Thomas Kostura became plaintiffs in the gay marriage case after they moved to Tennessee from New York.
The pair had married in New York in 2011, but Dekoe's position in the Army took the couple to Tennessee, which banned gay marriage and refused to recognize gay marriages performed in other states."

The thing is that when a person like Dekoe, who was a plaintiff in the lawsuit, is forced by the feds to move to another state that is still living in a snake charmed era, babbling in tongues, using leeches on wounds etc, and they don't recognize his marriage from NY, then what the hell is he supposed to do? But I guess 4 of of the Supreme Court Judges don't really give a fuck about liberty and are only there to fulfill their hateful quotient of discrimination and obedience to their fabricated mythology and dusty traditional values. There is no heaven or hell so their deaths will merely begin the decay of their rotting corpses and diseased brains.

My feeling is that this is one step closer to relegating religion to the realm of Zeus and Poseidon. Maybe science and reason will rule one day. But having 4 Supreme Judges wearing druid cloaks still trapped in a mythological era is not a good sign.

When drug possession is no longer a crime then I might even come out of my cave. I still feel that the state asking about my marriage status is basically the same as them asking me if I'm fertile, menstruating, pregnant, have a high sperm count, etc. Let me tell you that I'm only confessing those details on a publicly published blog, but never on a piece of paper in a city hall. I have my standards of inconsistency to keep.

Congratulations to same sex couples! Now you can experience the full humiliation of having the government pry into all the details of your life like everyone else.
...just in case you were one of those people who thought this was all about wrecking traditional marriage dogma

The good news for religious zealots is that there are still countries like North Korea that have prohibited both Islam and also gay marriages. That would be like paradise for the Tennessee bible thumper so if they need help with a plane ticket to Pyongyang then I'll start a kickstarter campaign to raise the money. I know it means giving up Whataburger french fries, but that's the price of freedom!

"You can't change the future without changing the present." - Oggy Bleacher
Creative Commons License
Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.