This picture might be related to my health. These are Carnitas. Maciza meat. High quality pork tacos. |
This woman in the illustration doesn't seem to have any problem but I can not get back up off my ass.

My prediction is that the year 2040 will be the end of humanity. That's when our Soap-on-a-rope ecology mentality will drive temperatures 4 Celsius degrees above current normal and that's it, no more food. We'll eat our own fat rolls and left over canned soup and then perish like bark beetles. The point at which we are one week from total collapse will be much like today, except our denial of evidence will be almost complete. And if my failure to stand up means I've got about 6 years left to live, then I'm going to miss the apocalypse. Actually, the test specifically applies to people over 50, so it's really saying that if I can't get up smoothly in the next 7 years, then I'll be dead within the next 6 years after that. To put it another way, I've got 13 years left to live.
I feel this is a worthy goal for November, to make a video of myself actually getting up off the ground. Maybe my shoes were the problem but I really doubt it. I do want to witness the apocalypse when I'm 70 years old.