Wednesday, May 24, 2017

One Night Only

An odd scenario places me on stage with a strange guitar but I managed to play a clumsy version of Four Strong Winds. In case you were wondering who Nicolete Larson is...she recorded Neil Young's "Lotta Love" back when Oggy was a youngster. Young also recorded Four Strong Winds, which is maybe why that guy in the video thinks I sound like Larson. Otherwise, his comment makes no sense since Larson is a famous female pop singer and I'm a burger flipper.
There is a 3rd verse to Ian tysons that I'm working on. The point is to find closure. 

It's been 20 years since I've seen you
But you haven't aged a day
The same sunlight glows in your daughter's eyes. 

I tried to get back home 
But the road went on and on 
And by now you've heard all of my alibis.

Creative Commons License
Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.