Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cristy's Beach Pizza

Jimmy giving an improvised guest pizza review of Cristy's Pizza in Hampton Beach, NH.
This is as authentic as you can get. The pizza and the humid air and sunset over the nuclear power plant and kids in wading pools and teens walking in short shorts on the boardwalk was the old Hampton. Friends waving in pick up trucks and ice cream dripping down hot hands. drinking dirty martinis on wet plastic chairs, arguing drunkenly over the theory of time travel. This is July in New Hampshire, mullets waving on motorcycle heads, cops decked out and stereos blasting the newest song I'll resent.


hardworker said...

what is the town that guy from? I'd love to hear some different local accents. Say Portsmouth vs Manchester. More interviews!

Oggy Bleacher said...

I believe Jimmy is from Dracut, Mass. I'd like to get more folk recordings, like record someone describing their Blueberry Pie recipe. An old woman from Maine for instance. And then a mechanic from Peterborough talking about brake pads. There's value in that, right?

hardworker said...

absolutely. get ron gallant to tell you how bubbas talk.

the fam said...

Jimmy's from Lowell. :)

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Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.