I'd never been to Acadia Ntl. Park and it's one of the most hippie friendly parks I've seen. You can park way off the island at Trenton Marketplace, where they sell breakfast pizza for $1. Then take a propane powered shuttle to the visitor's center. Pay $5 to enter the park (good for a week), hike across the whole island and take a shuttle to the rich man's playground called Bar Harbor to watch diesel fuel powered Queen Mary 2 amble off, and then take a propane powered bus back to the marketplace where you cook pasta and sleep until you do it all over the next day.
Ride a bike, hike, whale watch from the shuttle. It's nice.
I may give the truck away and then we can use the garage for a motorcycle repair shop until the first snow emergency..... We should talk about our basement.
Oh, Acadia is by far one of my most favorite of national parks. Yosemite, GGNRA, apostle islands national lakeshore, to name a few
Save the environment and scrap the v8 van, and pull a trailor with a hybrid
No one is going to mention the exhaust leak? A day after I put the exhaust gaskets in a U bracket rusted out and the pre-muffler section started to leak. I put some exhaust cement on and that fell apart in two days.
Yes, the van's days are numbered. wondering how much I should spend to keep it running. $100?
Let's fix the truck and sell it to Ken so he has something to haul the Lesbian around with when it breaks down. lol
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