Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Top Reasons Oggy has No Place in Portsmouth

Portsmouth police log

Oct. 3

1:42 a.m. - Checked on a vehicle with someone sleeping in it and found they had stopped to rest during a trip.

'Suspicious' man who fled from police located, arrestedAuthorities became interested in Eaton earlier in the day Tuesday, when representatives of Hauch Storage on Woodbury Avenue called police to say Eaton was sleeping on the floor of a storage unit he was renting, Tretter said. Five officers pulled Eaton out of a swamp after using a Taser on him, Tretter said.

In Santa Cruz we called it "Sleep Crime". People can't pay rent so they sleep in vans and cars and storage units. The police are called to strong arm them because if they aren't paying rent then rent prices may fall. That would impact housing prices etc. So sleeping becomes a crime, the only crime you can commit while in R.E.M. This is bullshit. Live Free or Die? How about "Pay Rent or Get Tasered in a Swamp." Fucking medieval.

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Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.