Thursday, January 24, 2013


1976 Jawa Babetta Moped 207

American Restoration would never hire humbled Oggy
In an effort to barter my services at a garage so I can use their car lift to remove my transmission I have been trying to "restore" this Jawa moped. Maybe restore isn't the right word since that would imply a restoration and I'm not in that league. I'm trying to get this thing to run. I'm trying to fix it. You might say this is crazy but I've seen the restoration folks totally restore a 1964 Worlds Fair tour buggy. Why would they go through that $7000 expense? Or to restore a gas powered washing machine? That makes no sense. This moped will actually be useful.
But I've got one foot in the water and one foot out. I want to restore it but I want to use exactly the same parts that I've got on the moped. That almost can't be done except rewinding the 40 year old coil magneto by hand or dismantling the  carburetor that sat for 3 years with old fuel until it crystallized and pitted the throttle sleeve and needles and everything. It's frustrating because the only reasonable thing would be to buy a used carburetor but Oggy insanity has me in its grip and I have to use everything that was originally on the moped and shipped from Czechoslovakia to be ridden around Texas. Maybe a serviceman brought it back during his secret service operation to subvert the soviet empire. But this is a different kind of project than the 1950s electric furnace because I don't really care if the moped ever runs. I'll learn a bit about eastern block mass manufacturing and maybe move it a step closer to working and stay busy and out of my room that reeks of dog fur. The furnace was life or death with additional stress of desperation and back pain. The moped is a hobby.

For some reason this Star Wars creature was named after my moped
In case you are wondering my Vespa design is superior to this cheap Czech slave factory knockoff. No wonder they lost the cold war! There is something called a Thrysistor and the carburetor is installed backwards. The fuel tank is removable, which is a nice feature, but the gaskets appear to be made from Stalin's underwear.

However, if anyone has any idea where the ignition coil is mounted then I need to know. This one was taped to the back rack since the piston had no rings. The owner is the owner of the garage and he had it apart 3 years ago and has since left it to rot. I'm the last hope.


Anonymous said...

Looks like this forum has the people that would know. Good luck communicating. But Google translate in to czech is pretty good I understand.

I will look through my motorcycle books to see what I can find.


Oggy Bleacher said...

you get back to physiology...
turns out the coil that was supplied belongs to a honda 12v bike so I need to replace it with a 6v. it's sort of hopeless.

Anonymous said...

Not really,
My first car a 1950 ford F1 pickup ran a 6v system and I could always find a coil for it...


Oggy Bleacher said...

I mean the whole thing is hopeless. the coil is available but the carb is iffy.

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Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.