Hola que busco novia
Para traer a estados unidos
Soy hombre trabajador y sin vicios
Busco algo serio
I found this ad in the Mexican Craigslist for some reason in the "For Sale" section. The loneliness of and starkness cries out to me. I feel the pain and I can actually translate this without help since it's by a second language writer. I think it is the making of a sad song, like a dying bird on his final nest singing for a mate who will never come...but at least he's honest. "Hello I am looking for a girlfriend.To bring to the United StatesI am a working man without vicesI am seriously looking (I am looking for something serious)Who said romance was dead? This sounds like a Mexican love ballad. The back pages of Forbes Magazine are filled with "Millionaire Singles Matchmaking" services that repulse me with their Yale psuedo-pimp vocabulary. But this man beats everything with honesty and loneliness there in his quiet double wide trailer, a semi driver, maybe, who is never home, always on I-40 between Oklahoma City and Albuquerque. The bars of his small town being worn by the cracked heels of all the pretty women time has ravaged. He doesn't have the money to meet a millionaire. He inspires me to write a song about him...but the heat of the Texas July has descended and my DC powered fan failed the other night. I feel adventure calling and his song may not be completed soon.I hope he finds a Mexican woman to fill his nights with love.