solar and wind energy requires the same cable harnesses that I'm building for the semiconductor wafer slicing industry. It turns out that my company is supplying the turbine manufacturers as well as the ion injector set. So does that make it green energy? No, it makes you an idiot for believing in such a thing. We are like children who shit in their hands and think it is a mud pie. We can't have it both ways, ipod nanos and arctic wolves. It's a fucking choice. One or the other. Take a look at the miserable condition of the gulf of mexico right now. You can justify your head through your ass with excuses of progress and cocksucking movies but I tell you that one Cormorant or dolphin is worth more than the entire state of Texas. One honest animal who is not manipulated by god nor by Disney and does not shit in your bed and we piledrive that motherfucker into the ground with oil soaked fists and call it a casuality, collateral damage of our quest to make Blade Runner a reality. You see any tree frogs in Blade Runner? No? Really? THAT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL DEAD!

I look at this crisis and determine that extreme measures are called for. If that makes me wrong then I don't want to be right.
Glad you're doing something. Companies are always getting bigger or they're getting smaller. Either way they are on move. I can make a lot of money as a mover if I'm willing to help these people, but what am I facilitating? Dead animals. But then see how many people still smoke when they know it will kill them, and I think, the strong will survive.
also, i've been drinking. which leads me to think, if we kill off enough to kill off ourselves, not everything will be dead. You are one of the few that understands you are part of a failed experiment. Don't be sad. I'm saving up to buy a new truck. If it's the one that kills us all, I'm still stoked.
You tell me what the extreme is and i might put my shit kickers on.
It's not failed yet. I don't have the numbers to prove it but I believe there's a strong correlation between education levels and birth rate. The more people get smart, the better chance of stopping the runaway train. It's a race against time, though. Hard to imagine a world with 10 billion people in it.
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