Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Robe and Crown

We Shall Wear a Robe and Crown... The Nelons pretty much slam dunk this song. The recording I have does a better job mixing the background singers but it's evident this is the music that will usher you into heaven. It's got like five flawless key changes. I'm saving up for lessons in this style of music because it's southern gospel but basically Western without the Swing. Fast tempo to best lift up your spirits in the presence of the Lord and make you give witness and praise to the Almighty.

Maybe it's just my own Marty Martyr complex to suffer on the path to glory but the dirt beneath my nails is petroleum from the depths of the earth and was former landscapes for lizards the size of barges on the Mississippi and flying lizards who ate donkeys alive. Mankind has been here for 2 million years in 4.5 Billion span. That's like the last two minutes of a 24 hour day. And my atoms will eventually become the grit under some future mechanic's fingernails. I hope The Nelons' music survives past the rapture so other sinners can enjoy it.


MlleMay said...

So Texas? i thought you might get down here on time for may birthday.
How's the guitar doing? new lava lamp in the van? I got to see that, with some pink floyd of course.

Oggy Bleacher said...

Mayminx? Can we pretend I'm not 100% sure who you are? Give me another hint.

MlleMay said...

Please my dear, I didnt remember you fancied games...
I was in New Orleans for Saint Patricks, let me tell you, that was a frivolous display of lack of good taste and decency. I was appalled by everybody's behaviour, to a point that I felt more in touch with the Bourbon Street Church.

Oggy Bleacher said...

Is it all that different from Papas & Beer?

MlleMay said...

No it is not, I do remeber that scene and is also a sick, but the front of the house and the good music prevail.

Oggy Bleacher said...

Readers, take note that this code is how sophisticated people identify each other.

MlleMay said...

sofistication is overated, can you please give me another way to comunicate with you, for i can not seem to find your email, and now that I come to think, that is way i search this mean instead of an ordinary email, I would have love to write yoy a letter, classic never gets old.

Anonymous said...

Seriously give em an email, I feel like I am reading penthouse letters.

Oggy Bleacher said...


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Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.