blog friendly schematic |
As I've said, this blog is useless to me as anything more than a plastic fuck doll that I blow up and fuck with the curtains closed and then deflate and shove under the bed. ANYTHING THAT I ACTUALLY NEED comes from other media like real life or diy forums or mechanical forums. IF you want pictures intended for you then take a good look. CAN YOU FIGURE OUT THE PROBLEM?? My audience has let me down for 5 years, they have mocked me and insulted me and ignored my plight so I'm plainly and frankly vexed and disgusted by their uselessness to me. I amuse myself for my own amusement and I do it publicly. If you have a voyeuristic integrity cultivated over the time span of your teenage ambitions then go ahead and amuse yourself with my canvas. ENJOY! But I have been called a rat and a coward and a traitor and a scumbag and other unmentionables IN MY OWN HOUSE and so I have nothing but disdain and repulsion for humanity. It's 28 degrees and my testosterone has deflated my chemical imbalance and I get smarmy responses to my depressing demise. I got laid off for Christmas and I have a spine injury and a neck pain that makes sleeping impossible and I'm a big clown that dances on the sidewalk for quarters from millionaires. It's gross and I'm constipated and sleep in my clothes for warmth. The cast iron bathtub with no shower cools off the water before I can get warm. Blah blah blah, another Oggy drama that bores almost no one. It's a new year and I'm done being polite.
Why should we offer advice on a futile project? Why don't you spend that hard earned money of yours on a new heater for your landlord. He can then let you live for free. Or better yet you can stroke him off once in a while and he can get the last vestiges of relief before his penis is covered in frost bite.
Your desire to fix that stupid heater lies in your desires to suffer, and to suffer more loudly and signifcantly than any other. Only you can know how hard you have suffered for your own amusement. Your amusement is wasted on us. You are a better man cause you are fixing that POS heater. How valuable is your time? Not that valuable as you waste it learning 40 year old technology.
Why don't you come fix that crap ass washer that we had to dismantle to get into my basement so I dont' have to wear dirty underwear anymore.
The motherboard is for shit and they want 250 for a new one, but the new motherboards are for shit and will fail in less than a year.
I think I will quit my job.
yeah fucker,,,what he said..
I admit it is futile and I also know that everything is futile when it comes to this kind of house. the only solution I can see is to fix this ancient heater. the owner will not last a year or two more with or without heat. he will be dead or in a state home. and the house will be demolished. I've thought about throwing down $5K for a new heating system and then I imagine the installers laughing when they see the wood shed apartment and the rat condominium. I don't think they will do the work. I'm trying to find a fly by night handyman who knows enough to rig something together but it turns out that I am that fly by night handyman. I can get the blower motor to run 24/7. yeah, that won't be annoying. and then the motor will burn out.
you are like tired donkeys who respond only to the lashing of a sharp whip. all I want is for someone to fly here and demonstrate basic 1960 HVAC wiring to me. I'll take you out to dinner. it's not like I'm an asshole.
excuse me, I have to go apply some of the advice I got on my diy forum where people don't call me a fucker and a dirtbag and fuckwad.
and FYI I am paying for all the parts..and all the labor...and paying rent already and even raised my own rent voluntarily because I was making good money and the guy couldn't pay his insurance. But no company will work in the rat infested attic. they will not replace this heating unit because the house is not safe. it's infested with rats and spiders and the whole duct work needs replacement and that means tons of work to the attic rafters etc etc. you speak like a child who knows jack shit because nothing is as easy as that. the guy will likely be dead or in a home next winter. HIS HEART IS LEAKING!!!! so why why why would I replace this unit and as I said it would a $10 or $15K job after the attic renovations got done...and who the fuck would enter the rat kingdom? it's just ignorant to talk out of your realm. I'm asking the basic question of making the fan blow hot air. that's all. It's a $200 fix. do not suggest $15K renovation projects to a run down shanty.
and you further vex me with your flamboyant faggotry to suggest that a week after my company lays 100% of the staff off after being caught in an $8 million embezzlement scam that I am some kind of asshole if I don't pony up money to replace a heating system in a house that is held up by the rat corpses hidden in the walls of someone else's house. what kind of comment is that? what kind of person would make that comment?
and yes, I could probably go back there to fix that broke ass washer motherboard using iPod parts and soldering my gold earring. I would do that as a friend if I were not crippled and my van needs a new transmission and I don't like to fly. SO if you want to mail me that motherboard then I will happily start a whole new topic at the geek forum and bitch at Maytag or KEnmore and get to the bottom of it because I am an asshole and I will nag and nag and suffer and strive and shake my fist at the gods above. because it's all futile and fucked up. all you can do is go buy a new set with zero interest and 12 months no payment at sears because the country is built on debt because old things are breaking and the old ways are replaced with arthritis in the neck.
I would mail the motherboard to you but your chicken scratch is indecipherable and I all ready paid cash for a new swedish washing machine with big tits and blue eyes. But she is short and stout so she would fit through the door without taking anything apart, not even the door off the hinges. Sweet.
I'd almost bet there is some deal in TX for poor people to get their heat fixed.
First of all buy some rat traps. Break their fucking necks. They are the initial problem deal with them.
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