Saturday, June 22, 2013


All it took was a cowboy hat and indirect lightning to make this song work for me. dedicated to truck drivers, gay or straight.. FYI: I have been from Tuscon (AZ) to Tucumcari (NM), Tehachapie (CA) to Tonopah (NV). I've also been to TOK (AK) and Toronto (Canada) to Topolobampo (MX). Lowell George, the writer, toured enough to know what he was talking about. Go check out Linda Ronstadt's cover of this song if you want a professional version. I am a simple telemetry technician living the dream in the Texas oil field after 20 years of vagabond rambling and gambling with my fate. I've had weed, whites, and wine...dreamed of Dallas Alice, and had my head stoved in but I'm still on my feet. I'm still willin'. (Can I vainly admit that I LOVE living in a place where most men wear hats like mine. Nobody looks at me funny.)

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Creative Commons License
Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.