Sunday, October 16, 2011

Old Man of The Mountain

 There were hundreds of people on Mt. Major even though I promised myself I would only hike it at night. But how else can you see the nice colors?


Anonymous said...

Did you take the blue trail or yellow trail?

Oggy Bleacher said...

We hiked up the boulder trail which is orange. Then we came down the mt major trail which is blue but somehow ended up at the trailhead to the boulder trail. On the topo map this is not possible except with a long bushwack across the mountain, but I swear that is what happened and I have no memory of a bushwack. I was wearing my high heel mod Beatle boots and at one point I could not safely get down the granite face so I traversed to where I found a trail. It may have been at that point that we left both trails and ended up back on the boulder trail. I'm still trying to figure out how we did it.

Julie said...

You knucklehead, why didn't you call me to go with you? I live close to Alton. Are you just using me for tennis?

Oggy Bleacher said...

I forgot that was your day off. We decided to drive up at 1pm. I still want to hike it at night so next time I go I'll try to plan ahead more than a few minutes.

Creative Commons License
Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.