Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1982 SkyDiver Human League Erections

1982 was the year I became musically aware. 30 years ago. I haven't recovered.

I think the Gotye song is the modern equivalent of "Don't you want me" by the Human League...which was from 1982 and really dominated the summer of '82 along with Hold me, by Fleetwood mac and Jack and Diane my John Cougar Mellencamp. That was the summer that the carnival came to town and set up by the mill pond and me and Brad went on the ride called the Sky Diver.


A Ferris wheel that had cars you could turn. And we had pockets full of quarters that fell out when we were going in deep decent and they actually hovered in front of our eyes for a few seconds as we matched their speed going down. And that was the highlight of that summer as Jack and Diane played repeatedly on the Himalaya ride. I could seriously write all night long about 1982 musical memories. It totally molded my musical tastes which is why this Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Sting reinvention makes sense to me. I'm playing it right now on my guitar and I might do a music video one day.

Anyway, the Gotye song is the modern version of European New wave.

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Man in the Van by Oggy Bleacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.