This is a feature that forces you to click on individual page links if you want to read more.
On my post template page the picture is a page that is torn in half.

It's not intended to deceive you at all but it does allow the traffic to be sorted out more precisely. I'm assuming that a fake person will not click on the link to reveal more of the post, especially if they are Russian or Uzbek and can't read the link message. So, it's a win win situation. You are forced to decide if the first paragraph is good enough to interest you in the rest of the post and I get to see how few people actually want to read a whole essay of hateful comments toward CNN. No more browsing the entire contents of my blog without clicking anything. Those days are gone. Oggy is moving into a mode where he exploits his readers for profit and soon you will be seeing ragu sauce ads and if you click on them you will be saying to Ragu that Oggy deserves money for driving traffic to your site. Actually, the ads will probably be related to pornography.
If you have any questions about this or anything about the blog then join the forum and ask. This is also an experiment that could be cancelled without warning.