IS this spam? maybe hiding in a blog under the radar kept the spam to a minimum. three straight days I've gotten random pictures sent to my phone. unknown numbers from california and denver and texas. I have no idea who they are but they send me pictures and cost me 25 cents every time but I can't watch video or see pictures but I get charged. so I set my phone to reject any pics. I wonder if my domain name now lets spam bots attack me. do I have to go to a registration again? sixto rodriguez? I'll check him out.
Buy/steal the album "Cold Fact" by Sixto album I've heard in years.
Actually, I'm shocked you didn't already know about him.
IS this spam? maybe hiding in a blog under the radar kept the spam to a minimum. three straight days I've gotten random pictures sent to my phone. unknown numbers from california and denver and texas. I have no idea who they are but they send me pictures and cost me 25 cents every time but I can't watch video or see pictures but I get charged. so I set my phone to reject any pics. I wonder if my domain name now lets spam bots attack me. do I have to go to a registration again?
sixto rodriguez? I'll check him out.
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